Film detail | Sitting on a Branch I Am Fine

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On a Common Journey

Countries: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Germany
Language: Slovak
Subtitles: English
Directed by: Juraj Jakubisko
Year: 1989
Length: 120`
Rating: 15
Story: Juraj Jakubisko
Screenplay: Juraj Jakubisko, Jozef Paštéka
Director of Photography: Ladislav Kraus
Music: Jiří Bulis
Edited by: Patrik Pašš
Production: Slovenský film Bratislava, Štúdio hraných filmov Bratislava - Koliba 1. tvorivo - výrobná skupina, vedúci Peter Jaroš, Tauris Film München

Synopsis: The story of two a-lot-different-natured friends, the comedian Pepe and a front soldier Prengel, takes place right after the end of WW II. Finding a treasure of Jewish gold turns them into an inseparable couple, later joined by Ester, a Jewish girl returning from a concentration camp. Thus, brought together by chance, each of the three homeless people in their very own ways tries to fulfill their dreams of happiness.

Juraj Jakubisko: Juraj Jakubisko (1938) is a prominent Slovak filmmaker. He graduated in directing from FAMU. He debuted with the film Crucial Years (Kristove roky, 1967). Some of his other films - e.g. The Deserter and the Nomads (Zbehovia a pútnici, 1968) - were banned. In the 1970s Jakubisko could only make documentaries. The height of his 1980's productions was the historical saga Millennial Bee (Tisícročná včela, 1983). Other films of his: The Feather Fairy (Perinbaba, 1985), Bathory (2008).

Where and when Sitting on a Branch I Am Fine is screened

Golden Apple Cinema, č. 2May 30th at 19:30N/A

Other films of the section On a Common Journey