Films according to projection place - 2013

Golden Apple Cinema, č. 6

pondělí, May 27th

09:10Knight Rusty
11:10Island of Lost Souls
15:50Raca, My Love
17:50Tall As the Baobab Tree
21:00Life Hits

úterý, May 28th

09:10Someone Like Hodder
11:10Fate of Talent
13:10Shoes Named Melichar
17:50Picture Day
21:00Italian for Beginners

středa, May 29th

08:45Young Andersen
11:10My Good Enemy
13:10Fat Kid Rules the World
15:50The Emperor's Nightingale
15:50The Swineherd
17:50Wanna See My Beautiful Navel?

čtvrtek, May 30th

09:10Rubber Tarzan
11:10Fanfaron, The Little Clown
11:10The Flying Sneakers
13:10The Teenage Years of an Ethnic Group
17:50Tang Wong
21:00Love & Rage

pátek, May 31st

09:10War of the Birds
11:10As Light as Breath
13:10Dragon Girls
15:50Hans Christian Andersen and the Long Shadow
17:50The Lesser Blessed
21:007 Boxes

sobota, Jun 1st

09:10The Blacksmith From Woodham
11:10Goat story with cheese
13:10Satellite Boy
15:50My African Adventure
17:50The Wonder Maid